octavio molina.

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A geometric abstraction is a form of abstract art based on the use of geometric forms sometimes, though not always, placed in non-illusionistic space and combined into non-objective compositions. These pieces are about the representation of a constellation of geometry and color in a space with remarkable austerity, simplicity, and minimalism.

With these pieces I wanted to explore “letting go,” and my philosophy of "the more we own, the more we are owned by the things we own." It's about collapsing the need of “more” but rather focusing on what is elemental while still communicating a message. Whether I do it through art, photography, or design, I would like my work to be a reminder that we need to find uncomplicated solutions to maintain our everyday lives simple, so that we can focus on what matters most, LOVE. If you would like more information on how to acquire these pieces, please visit the link below.

Acrylic, ink, oil stick, and charcoal on canvas paper. 14 x 17’. London, UK.